Annual Foundation School - Part I (2011)

Venue: (IISER), Pune
Dates: 5 Dec - 31 Dec, 2011


Convener(s) Speakers, Syllabus and Time table Applicants/Participants


School Convener(s)

Name Dr. Rama Mishra S. A. Katre    
Mailing Address Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER),
First floor, Central Tower, Sai Trinity Building Garware Circle,
Sutarwadi, Pashan Pune,
Maharashtra 411021, India
Professor and Coordinator,
Centre for Advanced Study in Mathematics,
Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Pune


Speakers and Syllabus 



Real Analysis Topology
Rabeya Basu
S. R. Ghorpade

Gurmeet Kaur Bakshi

S.A. Katre

 Sameer Chavan
 V. M. Sholapurkar
Diganta Borah

Debraj Chakraborty

H. Bhate
Rama Mishra
Krishna Kaipa

Sreekar Shastry

No. of lectures for each teacher: 4 lectures of one and half hours duration.


 Associate Teachers:  Shilpa Gondhali, Deepa Krishnamurty, Rahul Kitture, Vikas Jadhav


 Unity of Mathematics Lectures:

 1. Prof. Ravi Kulkarni: Some subtle points in Differential Topology (2 lectures)

2. Prof. S. S. Sane: Finite simple groups (2 lectures)


  1.   Group Theory.
    1. Module 1: (6 lectures) Group actions, Sylow Theory, direct and semi-direct products, simplicity of the alternating groups, solvable groups, p-groups, nilpotent groups, Jordan-Holder theorem.
    2. Module 2: (6 lectures) free groups, generators and relations, finite subgroups of SO(3), SU(2), simplicity of PSL(V).  
    3. Module 3: (6 lectures) Representations and characters of finite groups: Maschke’s Theorem, Schur’s lemma, characters, orthogonality relations, character tables of some groups, Burnside’s theorem.
    4. Module 4: (6 lectures) Modules over PIDs: Modules, direct sums, free modules, finitely generated modules over a PID, structure of finitely generated abelian groups, rational and Jordan canonical form.
  2.  Real Analysis.
    1. Module 1: 6 lectures: Abstract measures, outer measure, completion of a measure, construction of the Lebesgue measure, non-measurable sets.
    2. Module 2: 6 lectures: Measurable functions, approximation bysimple functions, Cantor function, almost uniform convergence, Ego-roff and Lusin’s theorems, convergence in measure.
    3. Module 3: 6 lectures: Integration, monotone and dominated convergence theorems, comparison with the Riemann integral, signed measures and Radon-Nikodym theorem.
    4. Module 4: 6 lectures: Fubini’s theorem, Lp - spaces.
  3. Differential Topology. Numbers in the bracket refer to sections from [S]
    1. (1) Module 1: 6 lectures: Review of differential calculus of several variables: inverse and implicit function theorems. (1.4), Richness of smooth functions; smooth partition of unity.(1.6, 1.7), Submanifolds of Euclidean spaces (without and with boundary) (3.1, 3.2), Tangent space, embeddings, immersions and submersions (3.3,3.4), Regular
      values, pre-image theorem (3.4), Transversality and Stability (3.5, 3.6) [The above material should be supported by exercises at the end of each section and examples matrix groups (9.1).]
    2. (2) Module 2: 6 lectures: Abstract topological and smooth mani-folds, partition of unity (5.1,5.2), Fundamental Gluing lemma and classification of 1-manifolds (5.3,5.4), Definition of a vector bundle;tangent bundle. (5.5), Morse-Sard theorem. Easy Whitney embedding theorems.
    3. (3) Module 3: 6 lectures: Orientation on manifolds. (4.1), Transverse Homotopy theorem and oriented intersection number (7.1,7.2), Degree of maps both oriented and non oriented case(7.3,7.4), Winding number, Jordan Brouwer Separation theorem. (7.5),Borsuk-UlamTheorem (7.6), Vector fields and isotopies (statement of theorems only) with appliaction to Hopf-Degree theorem. (6.3 and 7.7).
    4. (4) Module 4: 6 lectures: Morse functions (8.1), Morse Lemma (8.2),Connected sum, attaching handles (8.3), Handle decompostion the-orem.(8.4), Application to smooth classification of compact smooth surfaces (8.5) (2 lectures)



  • [G-P] V. Gullemin and A. Pollack, Differential Topology, Englewood Cliff, N.J. Prentice Hall (1974).
  • [H] W. Hirsch, Differential Topology, Springer-Verlag.
  • [M] J. W. Milnor, Topology from the Differential Viewpoint, Univ. Press, Verginia.
  • [S] Anant R. Shastri, Elements of Differential Topology, CRC Press, 2011.


Selected Applicants


S.N. Registration ID Name Gender
1 48 Abhash Kumar Jha M
2 49 Soudamini Nayak F
3 51 Mahendra Kumar Gupta M
4 52 Rana Noor F
5 54 Pritam Rooj M
6 57 Bendanta Bose M
7 58 Sheo Kumar Singh M
8 70 Sugandha Maheshwari F
9 97 Manidipa Pal F
10 108 Rashmi F
11 126 Snehal S. Mitragotri F
12 129 Jyoti R. Thorwe F
13 148 Shahir Ahmed Ahenger M
14 158 D. Chellapillai M
15 180 Sashi Kumar Palanisamy M
16 183 Rajiv Kumar M
17 204 Palraj J. M
18 213 Nagairanghba Sudhir Singh M
19 216 Thiyan Rajita Chanu F
20 220 Anand Kumar Tiwari M
21 234 Laxmikant Mishra M
22 243 Arghya Chhatopadhya M
23 253 Dipendu Maity M
24 282 Bhushan Kumar M
25 284 Arunava Mandal M
26 334 Vikash Siwach M
27 353 Samadipa Bhattacharjee F
28 194 Rekha Biswal F
Local Participants 
1 104 Ayesha Fatima F
2 149 Maitreyee C Kulkarni F
3 150 Akshaa Vatwani F
Wait Listed Candidates   
1 55 Dinesh Valluri M
2 90 Sourav Das M
3 113 Rashmita Sutar F
4 124 Nisha Singh F
5 153 Anirban Das M
6 170 Ruchi T Gode F
7 178 Sikha Singh F
8 264 Sita Ram Sharma M
9 305 Ruchi Dahiya F
10 325 Priyanka Garg F

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