Annual Foundation School - Part II (2011)
Venue: | Panjab University, Chandigarh |
Dates: | 2 Jun - 29 Jun, 2011 |
Convener(s) | Speakers, Syllabus and Time table | Applicants/Participants |
Name | Vinod Kumar Grover |
Vikas Bist |
Mailing Address | Professor, Centre for Advanced studies in Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-b160014 |
Associate Professor Centre for Advanced studies in Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-b160014 |
Speaker | Lectures | Detailed Syllabus |
Algebra |
Prof. Dilip Patil | 6 | Prime and maximal ideals,Zariski topology,Nil and Jacobson radicals, localization of rings and modules, Noetherian rings, Hilbert basis theorem, modules, primary decomposition. |
Dr. Amit Kulshrestha | 6 | Group actions, Prime power groups, Nilpotent groups Soluble groups, Matrix groups, Groups and symmetry. |
Prof. J.K. Verma | 6 | Integral dependence, Noether normalization lemma, Principal ideal theorem, Hilbert,s Nulstallensatz, Structure of artenion rings, Dedekind domains. |
Prof.S.K.Khanduja | 6 | Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory. |
Complex Analysis |
Prof. Satish Shirali
Prof. V.K. Grove |
6 |
Analytic functions, Path integrals, Winding numbers, Cauchy integral formula and consequances, Isolated singularities, Residue theorem and Liouville theorem. Cosarati Weirstrass theorem, Bilinear transformations, Schwarz,s lemma,Argument principle and Rouche,s theorem. |
Prof. Raghvendra | 6 | Analytic continuation, Hadamard Gap theorem, Bloch Landau theorem, Picard,s theorems, Extremal matrix, Reimann maping theorem |
Prof. R. R. Simha | 6 | Runge,s theorem Infinite product, Weistrass P-function, Mittag-leffler expansion. |
Topology |
Dr. Chanchal Kumar | 6 | Basic notion of homotopy, Contractibility, deformation etc, some basic constructions such as cone suspantion, maping cylinders etc. Fundamental group; computation for the circle. Covering spaces and fundamental group, Simlicial and CW complexes. |
Prof. Kapil Pranjape. | 6 | Homology theory and applications; Smplicial homology, Singular homology, Cllular homology of CW complexes, Jordan Brouwer separation theorem, Invariance of domain, Lefshetz fixed point theorem etc. |
Prof. Stya Deo | 6 | Category and functors Axiomatic homology theory. |
Unity in Mathematics
Speaker | Lectures |
Prof. I.B.S. Passi | 3 |
Prof. R. J. Hans-Gill | 3 |
Selected Applicants |
Sr | Name |
Date Of Birth |
Gender | Name and Address of college/University | Current courses of study | Email ID |
1 | Ram Kishor Pandey | Nov 6, 1982 | Male | Department of Applied Mathematics, Institute of technology, Banaras Hindy University, Varanasi-221005 | Ph. D | pandeywavelet at |
2 | Umamaheswaran Arunachalam | Jun 6, 1982 | Male | Research Scholar Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu | Ph. D | ruthreswar at |
3 | Udhayakumar Ramalingam | Mar 5, 1986 | Male | Research Scholar Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu | Ph. D | udhayaram_v at |
4 | Bhumarapu Venkateswarlu Venki | Jul 7, 1979 | Male | Department of.Mathematics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Chittoor(DT), Andhara Pradesh. | Ph. D | vsmaths at |
5 | Shiv Parsad | Jun 16, 1985 | Male | Research Scholar, IISER Mohali, Punjab | Ph. D | parsad.shiv at |
6 | Dilpreet Kaur | Apr 12, 1986 | Female | Research Scholar IISER Mohali, Punjab | Ph.D | poonamubhi at |
7 | Sonica Anand | Apr 13, 1987 | Female | Research Scholar, IISER Mohali, Punjab | Ph. D | sonica.anand at |
8 | Rajbir Kaur | Nov 22, 1982 | Female | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, NIT Hamirpur, H.P. | Ph.D. | kaur.rajbir22 at |
9 | Rashmi Kewat | Aug 4, 1987 | Female | Research scholar, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Bilaspur(Chhattisgarh) 495 009 | Ph.D | rashmikwt at |
10 | K.Prem Kumar | May 17, 1986 | Male | Research Student, Ramanujan School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Department of Mathematics Pondicherry University,Pondicherry - 605014. | Ph.D | prem.pondiuni at |
11 | Balannagari Devika | Jun 20, 1986 | Female | - | Ph.D | devikamathematics at |
12 | Senthil Kumar | Jun 28, 1984 | Male | Research Scholar, HRI, Allahabad - 211019, Uttar Pradesh. | Ph.D | contactsenthil123 at |
13 | Suresh M | Jun 24, 1989 | Male | The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College, Pettai,Tirunelveli - 627 010 Tamilnadu | M.Sc | sureshpradeep30 at |
14 | Priyambada Tripathi | Jul 21, 1986 | Female | Assitant Professor( Adhoc), SRI Aurbindo College, Malviya nagar, New Delhi-110017. | Ph.D | complexpriyam23 at |
15 | Varun Jindal | Jan 24, 1987 | Male | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, IIT-Delhi Hauz Khas, Delhi 110016 | Ph. D | varunjindal.iitd at |
16 | Rajlaxmi Mukherjee (Pal) | Nov 4, 1986 | Female | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, 188 Raja S.C.Mullick Road , Kolkata-700032 | Ph.D. | ju.rajlaxmi at |
17 | Pavel Pal | Sep 4, 1986 | Male | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, 188 Raja S.C.Mullick Road , Kolkata-700032 | Ph.D | ju.pavel86 at |
18 | Nitin Aurora | Jun 3, 1981 | Male | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, IIT-Delhi Hauz Khas, Delhi 110016 | Ph. D | nitinarora81 at |
19 | Kiran M. K. | Dec 1, 1980 | Male | Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, BIDDI Bangalore | k111 at |
20 | Kalpana Thakur | Aug 27, 1986 | Female | Sir Parshurambhau College, Tilak road, Pune 411046. | M.Sc | maitreyee212 at |
21 | Ravindra Kishore Bisht | Apr 2, 1985 | Male | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaon Univeristy, Nainital, Uttrakhand | Ph. D | ravindra.bisht at |
22 | Ajay Gairola | Jul 1, 1986 | Male | Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics, D.S.B. Campus, Kumaon Univeristy, Nainital, Uttrakhand | Ph. D | ajjumath at |
23 | Harpreet Kaur | Feb 8, 1987 | Female | Assistsant Professor, U.I,C.E.T. Panjab University Chandigarh | ajjumath at |
24 | Rani Kumari | Mar 6, 1985 | Female | University of Delhi | M.Phil | ajjumath at |
25 | Rekha Biswal | Jul 1, 1989 | Female | Student, IIT, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076. | M.Sc. | rekhabiswal27 at |
26 | Rakesh Ratnakar Pawar | Oct 18, 1989 | Male | Student, IIT, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400076. | M. Sc. | rakeshpawar at |
27 | Siddharth Mathur | Jun 1, 1986 | Male | Central European University, Budapest Hungary | M. Sc. | siddharth.p.mathur at |
28 | Dinesh Kumar | Mar 25, 1988 | Male | Not Applicabe (NA) | M.Phil | at |
29 | Deepak Garg | Sep 9, 1987 | Male | Deaprtment of Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh | Ph. D | dgmaths at |
30 | Sugandha Maheshwari | Dec 31, 1987 | Female | Deaprtment of Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh | M.Sc. | sugandhamaheshwari at |
How to reach the venue:
Chandigarh is well connected to Delhi by road.
There are frequent state transport buses from ISBT (Kashmiri Gate) to Chandigarh. Bus takes about 5 hours 30 minutes to reach Chandigarh from Delhi.
By Rail Chandigarh is connected to major cities like Chennai, Mumbai, kolkata, Lukhnow etc.
There are morning and evening Shatbadi trains from New Delhi station and also a Jan Shatabdi train in the evening.
Moreover Ambala is well connected by train to most of the cities of India. Ambala is about 50 Kms from Chandigarh and is on the highway that connects Delhi and Chandigarh.
The participants can easily reach to the Panjab University campus from the railway sataion or from the bus stand by auto rickshaw or by taxi.