AIS Lie Algebras (2011)
Venue: | Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) and Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc) |
Dates: | 4 Jul - 23 Jul, 2011 |
Convener(s) | Speakers, Syllabus and Time table | Applicants/Participants |
Name | U. Kulkarni | K. N. Raghavan | S. Viswanath |
Mailing Address | Chennai Mathematical Institute Plot H1, SIPCOT IT Park Siruseri, Padur PO Chennai 603 103 |
Institute of Mathematical Sciences CIT Campus Taramani, Chennai 600 113 |
Institute of Mathematical Sciences CIT Campus Taramani, Chennai 600 113 |
Resource persons
- Punita Batra (HRI, Allahabad)
- Shripad Garge (IIT, Bombay)
- Senthamarai Kannan (CMI, Chennai)
- Upendra Kulkarni (CMI, Chennai)
- Amit Kulshrestha (IISER, Mohali)*
- K. N. Raghavan (IMSc, Chennai)
- Ravindra P. Shukla (Allahabad University)
- Anupam Kumar Singh (IISER, Pune)
- K. V. Subrahmanyam (CMI, Chennai)
- S. Viswanath (IMSc, Chennai)
* means participation not yet confirmed
- I (2 lectures; KNR) Lie algebras and homomorphisms, ideals; representations; sl2C and its representations.
- II (3 lectures but only 2 tutorials; UK) linear Lie algebras; derivations; automorphisms. Nilpotent and solvable Lie algebras; Engel's theorem; Lie's theorem. Cartan's criterion for solvability; semisimplicity; Killing form; Cartan's criterion for semisimplicity. (Proofs to be omitted; statements to be emphasized.)
- III (no lecture but 1 tutorial; SV) Basic multilinear algebra.
- IV (1 lecture; KNR) Complete reducibility of representations; Casimir element; Weyl's theorem; preservation of Jordan-Chevalley decomposition. (Proofs to be omitted; statements to be emphasized.)
- V (4 lectures; SV) Root systems: axiomatics, simple roots, Weyl group, bases, irreducibility; Classiï¬cation: Coxeter graphs, Dynkin diagrams; Construction of root systems.
- VI (2 lectures; UK) Root space decomposition; maximal toral subalgebras; orthogonality, integrality, and rationality properties.
- VII (1 lecture; AKS) Universal enveloping algebras and the PBW theorem; free Lie algebras.
- VIII (2 lectures; AKS) Weights and maximal vectors; standard cyclic modules; ï¬nite dimensional modules: weight strings, weight diagrams.
- IX (3 lectures; PB) Central extension of loop algebras; affine algebras; root system; Weyl group; normalized invariant form.
- X (3 lectures; SK) Character and multiplicity formulas: Freudenthal's formula, formulas of Weyl, Kostant, and Steinberg. Harish-Chandra homomorphism.
- XI (1 lecture: KNR) Isomorphism theorem: root system determines the Lie algebra; Cartan subalgebras and their conjugacy; Borel subalgebras and their conjugacy; Automorphism groups. (Proofs to be omitted; statements to be emphasized.)
- XII-A (2 lectures; PB) Highest weight modules over affine Kac-Moody algebras.
- XII-B (2 lectures; KNR) Highest weight modules over affine Kac-Moody algebras (continued); Kac-Weyl character formula.
- XIII (5 lectures but only 4 tutorials; SV) Weight system of integrable highest weight modules; Macdonald's eta function identities.
- XIV (4 lectures but only 3 tutorials; RPS) Chevalley groups: Chevalley basis, construction of the groups; Kostant's theorem; Admissible lattices.
- XV (1 lecture; UK) Generators and relations for complex semisimple Lie algebras; Serre's theorem.
- UK: Upendra Kulkarni
- KNR: K. N. Raghavan
- SV: S. Viswanath
- SK: Senthamarai Kannan
- AKS: Anupam Kumar Singh
- PB: Punita Batra
- RPS: Ravindra Shukla
List of selected candidates
- Abhishek Dang
- Akash Sengupta
- Amita Malik
- Amiya Mondal
- Anand Deshpande
- Ananth Shankar
- Anil Kumar Pranesachar
- Anup Dixit
- Anuradha Ahuja
- Apurv Nakade
- Arpan Dutta
- Balchand Prajapati
- Biswajit Ransingh
- Debika Dey
- Dinesh Valluri
- Divyum Sharma
- Gayathri V
- Geetha Thangavelu
- Kali Pada Samanta
- Kamalakshya Mahatab
- Krishnaveni Veni
- Mahendra Kumar Verma
- Mamta Balodi
- Muniasamy G
- Narasimhachary B
- Neha Hooda
- Neha Makhijani
- Padmavathy Srinivasan
- Pampa Paul
- Rahul Gupta
- Rahul Kitture
- Rahul Singh (CMI, Chennai)
- Ravinder B
- Rohini Ramadas
- Sachin Sharma
- Sampath Lonka
- Senthil Raani
- Siddharth Mathur
- Sudipta Kolay
- Sunil Prajapati
- Suprajo Das
- Venkata Raghu Tej Pantnagi
- Venkatesh R
- Vipul Kakkar
- Yajnaseni Dutta
- Students of IMSc and Ph.D students of CMI who have been selected
will not be provided accommodation as part of the AIS. They must
retain their current rooms. - All other participants will be provided shared housing on the CMI campus.
- As per ATM school policy, all participants are eligible for travel
reimbursement, upto a maximum of two-way AC 3 tier train fare.
A copy of the tickets must be submitted. State transport
AC bus fare can be claimed in lieu of train fare. Auto/taxi fare is
not reimbursable whether in Chennai or in the city of origin/destination.
(It's OK to be claiming reimbursement for travel from city A to Chennai
and from Chennai to another city B, provided there is sound justification.) - Selected applicants must confirm their participation by sending
email to by May 25, 2011 with "confirmation" in the subject
field. - All online applications received by May 15, 2011 have been considered,
even if the hardcopy of the application has been delayed. - We received a large number of enthusiastic applications for participation
in the school. Unfortunately, due to various logistical constraints such as
availability of suitable accommodation, we could not accept all of them.
It seems to us that, for many B.Sc., M.Sc, and early Ph.D. applicants,
the Annual Foundational Schools (AFS) would be more beneficial than a school such as this, at this stage of their
careers. We strongly recommend that they apply to these. Other workshops and
training programmes such as the MT&TSmight also be of interest.