ATMW Riemannian Geometry (2010)

Venue: TIFR, Bangalore
Dates: 19-30 July,  2010


Convener(s) Speakers, Syllabus and Time table Applicants/Participants


School Convener(s)

Name C. S. Aravinda
Harish Seshadri
Mailing Address
TIFR Centre for Applicable mathematics,
P. O. Box 6503, Sharada Nagara,
G. K. V. K. Post, BANGALORE - 560 065.
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012.


Speakers and Syllabus 

Speakers and Syllabus

Speakers: 1st Week
1 AM Anandateertha Mangasuli
2 CSA C S Aravinda
3 GS G Santhanam
4 HS Harish Seshadri
Speakers: 2nd Week
1 KS K Shankar
2 KV Kaushal Verma
3 SG Siddhartha Gadgil
4 TNV T N Venkataramana
5 GB Gautam Bharali

Schedule of Lectures

Date 0930-1100 1130-1300 1400-1500 1530-1700
19/7 (Monday) L1(CSA) L2(AM) Discussion L3(HS)
20/7 (Tuesday) L4(AM) L5(HS) Discussion L6(AM)
21/7 (Wednesday) L7(AM) L8(GS) Discussion L9(HS)
22/7 (Thrusday) L10(HS) L11(CSA) Discussion L12(CSA)
23/7 (Friday) L13(CSA) L15(GS) Discussion L14(CSA)
24/7 (Saturday) L16(GS) L17(AM) Discussion L18(HS)


Date 0930-1100 1130-1300 1400-1530 1600-1700
26/7 (Monday) KV1 KS1 SG1 GB(GL1)
27/7 (Tuesday) KV2 KS2 SG2 HS1(BT)*
28/7 (Wednesday) HS2(BT) KS3 SG3 TNV1(GL2)
29/7 (Thrusday) CSA1(RF) KS4 HS1(RF) TNV2(GL3)
30/7 (Friday) SG4 HS2(RF) CSA2(RF) KS(GL4)

* This lecture will be from 1600 to 1730 hrs.

First week

  • Lecture 1: Smooth manifolds - definition and examples; smooth functions, bump functions (smooth urysohn lemma); tangents vectors, vector fields, tensor fields - definition and properties (of tensors).
  • Lecture 2: Metric tensor, Riemannian manifolds, covariant differentiation, curvature tensors and curvatures; lengths of curves, distance function, geodesics, parallel transport and exponential map.
  • Lecture 3: Hopf-Rinow theorem.
  • Lecture 4: First and second variations of length and energy functionals; Jacobi fields, Gauss lemma.
  • Lecture 5: Cartan-Hadamard and Bonnet-Myers theorems.
  • Lecture 6: Models of constant curvature; Cartan’s theorem on the determination of the metric by (constant) curvatures.
  • Lecture 7: Rauch and Toponogov comparison theorems (include proof of Rauch but only state Toponogov).
  • Lectures 8, 9 and 10: Klingenberg’s injectivity radius estimate, Synge’s theorem, Bishop and Bishop-Gromov volume comparison theorems.
  • Lectures 11, 12, 13 and 14: Preissmann (and Flat-torus) theorems, Eberlein-O’Neill compactification, Busemann functions, classification of isometries (into elliptic, parabolic and axial or hyperbolic).
  • Lectures 15 and 16: Riemannian immersions, submersions; immersion and submersion equations; second fundamental form.
  • Lectures 17 and 18: Symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type; their curvatures.

Second week

  • Shankar (KS) will give 4 lectures on the Soul theorem, the splitting the- orem, structure of fundamental groups in non-negative and positive curva- ture. About 4 lectures on Bochner technique (BT) (2 by KV and 2 by HS), 4 lectures on Ricci flow (2 by CSA and 2 by HS) and about 4 lectures on Gromov-Hausdorff convergence, by SG.

    Besides the above main series lectures, we will have two guest lectures by T N Venkataramana on the construction of compact and finite-volume quotients of real hyperbolic space forms, one guest lecture by Gautam Bharali on uniformization of surfaces and one guest lecture by K Shankar.



 Selected Applicants


List of selected participants

Outstation: Male
  1. Ashish Mishra, IIT Bombay, Mumbai
  2. Bodhisattwa Basu, IMSc, Chennai
  3. Dibyendu De, Kalyani University
  4. Dipankar Debnath, Jadavpur University
  5. Gauree Shanker, Banasthali University
  6. Iqbal Akhlad, Aligarh Muslim University
  7. Jithin Paul, IISER, Mohali
  8. Joydeep Sengupta, University of North Bengal
  9. Kajal Das, IMSc, Chennai
  10. Manish Kumar Gupta, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (CG)
  11. Mukut Mani Tripathi, Banaras Hindu University
  12. Nishant Suri, Texas A&M University
  13. Pradip Kumar, HRI
  14. Raj Bhawan Yadav, IIT, Guwahati
  15. Piyushkumar Vishnubhai Patel, M S University, Baroda
  16. Shravan Kumar Pandey, A P S University, Rewa (M P)
  17. Shubhabrata Das, ISI, Kolkata
  18. Sushil Bhunia, Jadavpur University
Outstation: Female
  1. Bandana Das, Jadavpur University
  2. Gangotryi Sorcar, SUNY at Binghamton
  3. Mubeena T, IMSc, Chennai
  4. Pampa Paul, IMSc, Chennai
  5. Punam Gupta, Banaras Hindu University
  6. Tanveer Fatima, Aligarh Muslim University
Local: Male
  1. Amit Samanta, IISc
  2. Anupam Pal Choudhury, TIFR CAM
  3. Avijit Pal, IISc
  4. Bappaditya Bhowmik, IISc
  5. Bhati Bhushan Manna, TIFR CAM
  6. Debdip Ganguly, TIFR CAM
  7. Manoj Choudhury, TIFR CAM
  8. Sanjoy Pusti, IISc
  9. Shion Samadder Chaudhury, ISI
  10. Somashekhara G, Bangalore University
  11. Sourav Pal, IISc
  12. Subhajit Paul, TIFR CAM

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