Annual Foundation School - I (2016) - IISER TVM
Venue: |
Dates: |
5th to 31st Dec, 2016 |
Convener(s) | Speakers, Syllabus and Time table | Applicants/Participants |
Name | Professor A. R. Shastri | Assistant Professor Viji Z Thomas |
Mailing Address | Indian Institute of Technology (IIT, Bombay) | IIISER Thiruvananthapuram |
1) A R Shastri IIT Bombay
2)Parvati Shastri University of Mumbai
3)Viji Thomas IISER TVM
4)Radhika Ganapathy TIFR Bombay
5)Sandeep Varma TIFR Bombay
1) A R Shastri IIT Bombay
2) R R Simha Retired TIFR Bombay
3) Sivaguru S TIFR Bombay
1) A R Shastri IIT Bombay
2) Subhash B IISER Tirupati
3) Ramesh Kasilingam ISI Bangalore
Final Time Table
09-30 to 11-00 | 11-30 to 13-00 | 14-30 17-00 | |||
Lecture | Lecture | Tutorials | |||
I-week 5th Dec. to 10th Dec. 2016 | |||||
Mon | Topology(ARS) | Tea | Analysis(RRS) | L | Topology(ARS/VT/RRS) |
Tue | Algebra(PAS) | B | Topology(ARS) | U | Analysis(RRS/ARS/VT) |
Wed | Analysis(RRS) | R | Algebra(PAS) | N | Algebra(PAS/ARS/VT) |
Thu | Topology(ARS) | E | Analysis(RRS) | C | Topology(ARS/VT/RRS) |
Fri | Algebra(PAS) | A | Topology(ARS) | H | Analysis(RRS/ARS/VT) |
Sat | Analysis(RRS) | K | Algebra(PAS) | Algebra(PAS/ARS)/VT) | |
II-week:12th Dec. to 17th Dec 2016 | |||||
Mon | Algebra( RG) | Tea | Analysis(RRS) | L | Topology(ARS/VT) |
Tue | Algebra ( RG) | Tea | Topology(ARS) | U | Algebra(RG/ARS) |
Wed | Topology(ARS) | R | Analysis (RRS) | N | Analysis( RRS/ARS/) |
Thu | Algebra( RG) | E | Analysis(SG) | C | Algebra(RG/ARS) |
Fri | Topology(BS) | A | Algebra( RG) | H | Analysis(SG/ARS/BS) |
Sat | Analysis(SG) | K | Topology(BS) | Topology( ARS/BS) | |
III-week:19th Dec to 24th Dec. 2016 | |||||
Mon | Algebra(SV) | Tea | Analysis(SG) | L | Algebra(SV/ARS) |
Tue | Topology(BS) | B | Algebra(SV) | U | Analysys(SG/ARS/BS) |
Wed | Analysis(SG) | R | Topology(BS) | N | Analysis (SG/BS/ARS) |
Thu | Algebra(SV) | E | Analysis(SG) | C | Algebra(SV/ARS) |
Fri | Topology(BS) | A | Algebra(SV) | H | Topology(BS/ARS) |
Sat | Analysis(ARS) | K | Algebra(VT) | Algebra(VT/ARS/BS) | |
IV-week:21st Dec. Nov. to 26th Dec. 2015 | |||||
Mon | Topology(KR) | Tea | Analysis(ARS) | L | Topology(KR/ARS/VT) |
Tue | Topology(KR) | B | Algebra(VT) | U | Analysis(ARS/KR/VT) |
Wed | Analysis(ARS) | R | Topology(KR) | N | Topology(KR/ARS/BS)(TBA) |
Thu | Algebra(VT) | E | Analysis(ARS) | C | Algebra(VT/ARS/KR) |
Fri | Topology(KR) | A | Algebra(VT) | H | Analysis(ARS/KR/VT) |
Sat | Analysis(ARS) | K | Topology(KR) | Topology(KR/ARS/VT) |
Two additional special lectures were given by Anant R. Shastri as follows:
1. 15th Dec 2016: Linear Algebra Proof of Fundamental Theoem of Algebra.
2. 16th Dec 2016: Basics of Topological groups.
Actual Participants |
Sr | SID | Full Name | G | Affiliation | Position in College/ University | University/ Institute M.Sc./ M.A. | Year of Passing M.Sc./ M.A |
1 | 8616 | Mr. Bhuvan E Nalige | M | University of Mysore | Ph.D | Christ University | 2011 |
2 | 8655 | Mrs. Madhuri V | F | Sri Sarada College for Women | PhD Student | Sri Sarada College for Women Tamilnadu. | 2014 |
3 | 8656 | Ms. Rowthri M | F | Sri Sarada College for Women | PhD Student | Sri Sarada College for Women Tamilnadu. | 2014 |
4 | 8711 | Mrs. Meenakshi Prasad | F | Sri Sarada College for Women | Ph.D Student | Sri Sarada College for Women Tamilnadu. | 2007 |
5 | 8745 | Mr. Sandeep E M | M | Kerala School of Mathematics | PhD Student | IISER TVM | 2015 |
6 | 8746 | Ms. Tamilmani Jambu | F | Sri Sarada College for Women | Ph.D Student | Sri Sarada College for Women Tamilnadu. | 2014 |
7 | 8770 | Ms R.Eswari - Rajendran | F | Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli | Ph.D | Bharathidasan University | 2012 |
8 | 8932 | Mr Gokulraj S | M | Central University of TamilNadu | PhD Student | Pondicherry University | 2015 |
9 | 9002 | Ms Mohanappriya G | F | Kongunadu Arts and Science College | Ph.D Scholar | Kongunadu Arts and Science College. | 2015 |
10 | 9006 | Mr. J - Devendra | M | Yogi Vemana University | PhD | Sri Venkateswara University | 2015 |
11 | 9080 | Mr. Ilayaraja Maniprakasam | M | Periyar University, Salem | RESEARCH SCHOLAR | Periyar University, Salem-11 | 2012 |
12 | 9099 | Mr. Sathishkumar G | M | Periyar University | PhD Student | Periyar University | 2015 |
13 | 9100 | Mr. Chandra Guru Sekar R | M | Nit, Trichy | PhD | College of Engineerning Guindy, Chennai | 2014 |
14 | 9117 | Mr Vignesh P | M | Thiruvalluvar University | M.PHIL STUDENT | Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Chennai. | 2015 |
15 | 9123 | Mr. Abdulrqeeb Mohsen Ahmed Gubran | M | Aligarh Muslim University | PhD | Delhi | 2013 |
16 | 9124 | Mr. Sudhir Kumar | M | IISER Pune | 4th Year Bs-Ms Student | IISER Pune | Awaiting Result |
17 | 9127 | Mr. Manjuram R | M | Periyar University | PhD | Bharathiyar University | 2012 |
18 | 9146 | Mr. Sreedeep C D | M | NIT, Karnataka | PhD Student | Integrated Msc | 2014 |
19 | 9149 | Ms Saranya Devi A | F | Ramanujan institute -madras university | phd | vellalar college for women | 2015 |
20 | 9181 | Mr. Chaitanya G K | M | NITK Surathkal | PhD Student | Mangalore University | 2014 |
21 | 9190 | Ms Sushmitha P | F | IIT Madras | PhD | Pondicherry University | 2016 |
22 | 9196 | Mr. Vijayanand V | M | Periyar University | PhD Student | Bharathidasan University | 2015 |
23 | 9205 | Ms. Manasa M | F | NIT, Karnataka | PhD Student | Mangalore University | 2013 |
24 | 9225 | Ms. Rashmi M | F | NITK Surathkal | Ph.D. Student | Mangalore University | 2013 |
25 | 9262 | Ms. Ramya Nair | F | IISER,Pune | PhD | University of Mumbai. | 2015 |
26 | 9331 | Mr. Joyentanuj Das | M | IISER TVM | IPhD Student | IISER TVM | |
27 | 9346 | Mr. Mohan Raj | M | Ramanujan Institute University of Madras | MSc Student | Ramanujan Institute ,University of Madras | |
28 | 9360 | Mr Ankush Kumar Garg | M | IISER,TVM | phd | university of delhi | 2014 |
29 | 9370 | Mr Jasraj Anil Date | M | Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology | MSc Student | Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology | |
30 | 9388 | Ms Nisha Sharma | F | Manav Rachna International University |
phd | Y.M.C.A. Faridabad | 2013 |
31 | 9396 | Ms Mallika A | F | Manonmaniam Sundaranar University | DST-INSPIRE FELLOW(SRF) | Manonmaniam Sundaranar Uinversity | 2010 |
32 | 9417 | Mr Yogesh Yogesh | M | IISER , TVM | IPHD STUDENT | IISER TVM | pursuing |
33 | 9453 | Mr Saravanan V | M | Periyar University | PhD | Bharathidasan university | 2012 |
34 | 9534 | Mr Muhammed Rashad E K | M | IISER Tvm | Msc student | IISER TVM | Awaiting Result |
35 | 8654 | Ms. Indumathi A | F | Student | Rajah Serfoji govt college | 2013 | |
36 | 9418 | Ms. Priyanka Rana | F | IIT Gandhinagar | MSc Student | IIT, Gandhinagar | pursuing |
37 | 9022 | Mr. Tata Sivaiah . | M | University of Hyderabad, | Integrated MSc Student | University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad | Awaiting Result |
38 | 9184 | Ms Anu C | F | Zamorin's Guruvayurappan | Guest Lecturer | NIT Calicut | 2015 |
39 | 9487 | Dr. Anantha Kumar Ramasamy | M | Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | Assistant Professor | Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College,Sivakasi | 2005 |
42 | RICHA SINGH | ||||||
43 | PRIYANKA DAIMARY | ||||||
45 | KOMMA PATALI | ||||||
46 | JINU MARY JAMESON | ||||||
47 | GURUSAMY. R | ||||||
48 | ANJANA. A.S | ||||||
49 | AMRUTHA.P | ||||||
50 | ABHIJITH MOHAN | ||||||

How to Reach |
Detailed instructions to get to IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
IISER TVM is located inside the College of Engineering Campus (also known as CET) in Sreekaryam, Thiruvananthapuram. It is not in the Vithura campus, but at the transit campus, and the detailed instructions are for the transit campus.
1. From Thiruvananthapuram Central Railway Station :
- Take a prepaid auto by taking a Rs 2/- token.
- At the prepaid counter, ask for CET, Sreekaryam.
- The fare will be approximately Rs. 180/-.
- The distance from the Railway Station to IISER is approximately 13 Kms.
- There is a 4-way Jn. at Sreekaryam.
- Go past this Jn.
- The road will fork at Chavadimukku Jn., which is less than 1 Km from Sreekaryam Jn. At this point, there will be a board directing you to College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram.
- From Chavadimukku Jn., CET is approximately 1/2 Kms.
- Anybody will tell you the direction to CET from Sreekaryam Jn.
2. From Kochuveli Railway Station :
- This is a small station and some trains stop terminate there instead of Thiruvananthapuram Central.
- CET is much closer from Kochuveli Jn. There is a short cut and most auto drivers will know but Thiruvananthapuram Central would definitely be a better option.
3. From Thiruvananthapuram Airport :
- There are two terminals. Terminal 2 is the international terminal, located at a place called Chackai. You will arrive at this terminal if you travel by Air India, Air India Express or sometimes Jet Airways.
- Directions are the same as coming from Thiruvananthapuram Central.
- Tell the taxi driver to go via Sreekaryam.
- Some taxi drivers tend to take you through the opposite direction called Manvila Jn,
- Terminal 1 is the domestic terminal, located at Shangumugam and is a bit far away. You will arrive here if you are travelling by Indigo, Spicejet,Jet connect etc.
- Directions are the same as above, as you will have to cross the international terminal.
4. From the Bus Stand :
- All out-of-state buses will stop at Thiruvananthapuram Central Station, particularly those coming from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
5. From East Fort Bus Terminus :
- This is the main bus terminus.
- Ask for platform 5 (will confirm, am not sure right now).
- Ask for a bus to Chavadimukku or Engineering College, Sreekaryam.
- The bus numbers are 581, 666, 667 (some of these are A/C buses).
- Bus numbers 666 and 667 will not go to CET. You have to get down at Chavadimukku Jn.