MPLW Multiple Zeta Values, Recent Developments (2012)


Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Dates: 5th Oct-30th Dec, 2012


Convener(s) Speakers, Syllabus and Time table Applicants/Participants


School Convener(s)

Name R. Balasubramanian Sanoli Gun
Mailing Address




Speakers and Syllabus 

About the Speaker :

Professor Joseph Osterle


Professor Joseph Osterle  is a number theorist at the University of Paris VI, where he has been a professor for well over two and half decades. He has made  a number of well-known contributions to number theory among other things  to the  formulation of the fundamental abc conjecture. He is also a widely acclaimed  expositor of mathematics in general and number theory in particular.

Abstract of Lectures:

Multiple zeta values satisfy various polynomial relations over the field of rational numbers, some of them already known to Euler and some others only discovered quite recently. Last year Francis Brown proved that they are all rational linear combinations of those for which the exponents $k_i$ belong to $\{2,3\}$; these latter ones are believed to be linearly independent over rational numbers. The lectures in the first two weeks are part of the Panorama lecture series meant for a general audience. In these two weeks, Professor Oesterlé will describe the history of the subject and state the main results.

The lectures in the later weeks will be an attempt to provide the relevant details of Brown's work. As we will see, Brown's method consists in constructing motivic analogues of the multiple zeta values for which he is able to prove the analogous results. This construction involves Hopf algebras, iterated integrals, unipotent group schemes, cohomology and periods, motivic versions of the fundamental group, mixed Tate motives. Describing these tools and giving the proofs will be the main task of the course.


Selected Applicants

List of Selected participants of Panorama Lectures

Sr.No Last Name First Name Gender Affiliation Email Address
1 Anand Goutam Male Student goutamanand at
2 Chatterjee Tapas Male IMSc tapasc at
3 Debnath Anjan Male M.Phil anjandebnath at
4 Gun Sanoli Female IMSc sanoli at
5 Gupka Sameer Male University Of Kashmir sameergupkari at
6 Kumar Amit Male IISER K kumar.amit.93 at
7 Kumar Guddu Male IISER K guddumth at
8 Kumar Lavanya Female RIASM,University of Madras lavansri2009 at
9 Kumar Senthil Male Research Scholar contactsenthil123 at
10 Kumar Senthil Male Research Scholar in Mathematics, HRI, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. contactsenthil123 at
11 Maran J. Mani Male Bharathiar University manimaran436 at
12 Mir showkat Male University Of Kashmir ajaz123ahmad at
13 Mirza rafiq Male University Of Kashmir samath.ein at
14 Ngairangbam Sudhir Male Manipur University sdhrngairangbamcha at
15 Patil Gaurav Male Student at CMI gaurav231992 at
16 Patil Gaurav Male CMI gaurav at
17 Purusottam Rath Male CMI rath at
18 Ramanujam Vijaya Female RIASM,University of Madras rvijayanmc2009 at
19 Ray Anwesh Male Student at CMI anwesh at
20 Rojita Thiyam Female Manipur University rojitachanu at
21 Rout Sudhansu Sekhar Male National Institute of Technology Rourkela sudhansumath at
22 Sangale Usha Female Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra ushas073 at
23 Suriyamoorthy Lavanya Female RIASM,University of Madras mathlavi at
24 Vengadesan Maheshwari Female RIASM,University of Madras riasmmagi90 at


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